This beginner level HIIT workout is perfect to work on your baseline cardiovascular fitness. The workout mainly focuses on your lower body, as the big muscle groups in your legs burn a lot of calories and get your heart rate going. Try to complete as many repetitions as you can in the allotted time, but don’t rush it. Always put form over function. Make sure you execute each exercise as well as possible. Good luck!
Warming up
30 seconds mummy kicks
From a standing position, make small kicks forward while keeping your legs stretched. Alternate sides.
Circuit 1 (30 seconds each + 30 seconds rest in between)
Make a 1-2-3 step sidestepping motion with your feet (starting and ending with the foot on the side you are moving to). Alternate sides.
Power knees
Stand with your feet facing left at a 45 degree angle. From a standing position, put your arms down in front of you, then bend your elbows 90 degrees so your hands point forward at a 45 degree angle. Quickly pull your right knee up towards your hands, then step your right leg back to the floor. Repeat multiple times, then switch sides.
Stand up and place your hands on your hips. Step out forward with one leg to the point where both your knees are in 90 degree angles. Hold this position for a second and step back to standing position. Repeat with your other leg.Jumping jacks
Make sure to close your feet together on the inward jump and place your feet slightly further than your shoulders width on your outward jump. Make your hands touch each other above your head on your outward jump (clapping motion), then move them all the way back down next to your side on your inward jump.Plank
Lean down on your forearms and toes (forming a horizontal “plank” with your body). Contract your abs and glutes and hold this position. When done, don’t let yourself fall to the ground. Relax your muscles and slowly get up.
Circuit 2 (30 seconds each + 30 seconds rest in between)
Stand with your feet together. Kick forward with your right leg and return your right leg to the starting position. Step in place with your left foot, then your right foot. Kick forward with your left leg (and return your left leg to the starting position). Step in place with your right foot, then your left foot. Repeat. Try to get a stepping rhythm going.
Mountain climbers
While standing, make a climbing motion, using opposite arms and legs. Pull your left knee up and right elbow down simultaneously, then lower your knee back down and your arm back up. Alternate sides.
Belt kicks
From a standing position, put your hands in your sides (like you are holding your belt) and make a squat step sideways to your right, then kick your right leg forward. Alternate sides.
Lean down on your forearms and toes (forming a horizontal “plank” with your body). Contract your abs and glutes and hold this position. When done, don’t let yourself fall to the ground. Relax your muscles and slowly get up.
Repeat alternating both circuits 2-3x, rest 2 minutes in between circuits
Hamstring stretch
Step into a wide walking stance (one foot forward, one foot far backward). Bend your front leg and lean on it, while stretching your rear leg (keeping your rear foot flat on the floor). You should feel the stretch in the hamstring of your rear leg. Repeat on other side.
Alternatively, you can stretch your front leg and bend your rear leg. Lean on your rear leg and keep the heel of your front foot firmly on the floor. You should feel the stretch in your front leg.
Quad stretch
While standing up, bend the knee on one leg all the way, so your foot reaches your glutes. Grab the ankle of your bent leg with your hand and gently pull it towards your glutes. Make sure you keep your knees together and push your hips forward. You should feel the stretch in your quadriceps. Repeat on other side.
If you have trouble maintaining your balance, you can hold onto something with your free hand.
Glute stretch
While standing up, move one leg into a buddha pose (place the ankle of one leg on the quadricep of the other leg. Slowly squat down on the other leg, until you feel the stretch in your glute. Repeat on other side.
If you have trouble maintaining your balance, you can hold onto something with your free hand.
Hip flexor stretch
Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and sit down in a wide squat position. Rest your elbows on the inner side of your thighs and apply pressure outwards. You should feel the stretch in your hip flexors.
Lower back stretch (up/down)
Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and sit down in a wide squat position. Place your hands on your quads and move your lower back upwards and backwards. You should feel the stretch in your lower back. Release the tension and slowly move back to the wide squat position.
Upper back stretch (hands interlocked in front of chest)
Interlock your fingers in front of you with your palms facing towards your face. Stretch your arms as far forward as you can, while rounding your upper back. You should feel the stretch in your upper back.
Chest + bicep stretch (hands interlocked behind back)
Interlock your fingers behind you with your palms facing towards the ceiling. Stretch your arms downward and your chest forward. You should feel the stretch in your chest.
Shoulder stretch
Extend your arms out forward. Turn one arm sideways towards your body, so your upper arm rests against your chest. Bend your other arm 90 degrees and put your bent arm around your extended arm, with your extended arm leaning on the inside of the elbow of your bent arm. Use your bent arm to slowly pull your extended arm towards your chest. You should feel the stretch in your shoulder. Repeat with your other shoulder.
Tricep stretch
Extend your arms to the ceiling. Bend one arm and grab your elbow with the other arm. Gently pull the bent arm towards your head. You should feel the stretch in your tricep.
IT band stretch (one foot in front of other, arms raised with 90 degrees bend, leaning sideways)
Put your left foot in front of your right foot. Extend your left arm towards the ceiling and make a 90 degree bend with your elbow. Bend your right arm forward with a 90 degree bend in the elbow. Lean your upper body to the right. You should feel the stretch in your left side. Repeat on the other side.